Advantages And Disadvantages Of Manual Labour
Ok, so I had this great idea that I'm still not sure if it was a brain storm or a brain fart. You be the judge. I wanted to get a 2nd job. One that would allow me to be physically active, and yet have flexible hours so as to not interfere with my sports or day job. So I thought about signing up for a manual labor job. I figured it would be good cardio AND I'd get paid for the cardio.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using manual farm power? To hand pick about $500 a tonne (in good years), to $900 a tonne (in bad years). To machine pick, about $60 to $80 a tonne. Businesses commonly hear about the disadvantages of using technology in the workplace. Disadvantages include personal distractions, security vulnerabilities and depreciating assets.
One by one, people's names were called and they were sent out to various locations to perform their day labor for their measley 50 dollar checks. And in the evening, they'd return with smiles that their bosses were pleased with their labor and wanted them to return. On my second day, I was one of the last few people to be called.
How could I lose, right? I couldn't find 'MANUAL DAY LABOR JOBS' in the phone book so I checked out the temp agencies. The first one I found, offered daily pay for daily labor. I thought, 'This is just what I'm looking for,' so I went to the agency and filled out the paper work and the lady behind the desk said, 'Okay, be here at 4 am tomorrow and we'll see if we can't put you to work.' Did she say 4 am?!?!?!?!?'
• The following options are available: • The SCALANCE X-200 sends an E-mail. 6-20 'C-PLUG Information' Dialog Industrial Ethernet SCALANCE X-100 and SCALANCE X-200 Product Line Commissioning Manual, 1.
Like in, I-have-to-wake-up-at-3 am-to-be-here-by-4? Normal people aren't up at 4 am. They're sleeping soundly in their beds, in la-la land, waiting for the alarm to go off so they can beat it for 1/2 hour before they drag their butts outta bed, get a shower, drink their coffee and go to work. Only desperate, psychotic, deranged individuals get up at 3 am to go to work! Not sane, stable, 'just-wanna-lose-some-weight' people like me. But I had sunk my teeth into this and by george, I was gonna do it.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Email
Besides, I kinda fall in that 'desperate' catagory, so what did I have to lose. So the next morning I bounced outta bed at 3 am (note I said, 'bounced'), got ready and was there at 3:55.

I was the first one there. Surely they were gonna send me out, right?
The lady who had hired me pulled up right then and told me to go to the back of the building and come in through the back. I felt like a hired servant but I did as she asked and to my surprise, I was not alone. There, in the back of the building were about 15-20 other desperate, psychotic, deranged individuals wanting to go to work. Some were homeless, some just down on their luck. I didn't feel like I belonged there and after I signed in, I just kept to myself in a little corner, afraid to talk or make eye contact with anyone. There weren't but maybe 1 or 2 other females there and I could feel the males sizing me up. I waited for about 3 hours and they called for me to come to the window.
They had a clean up job at Kalil Bottling Company at 7 am. I was PSYCHED!
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nuclear Energy
Oh boy, my first temp job. All I could think of was getting paid today for cleaning up at a bottling company. I prayed God would bless my work that I'd be a good worker for this company. When I got there, they showed me to a HUGE mess of bottles that had fallen off their pallets. There were 3 other ladies there, but none of them spoke a single word of english so for the first 3 hours, I worked with them in my silence. I worked hard, refusing to take any more than a 10 minute break until the job was done.