Carl Heald Hauler Kits Owners Manual
Carl Heald came out with kits for two, three and four wheel options. I have a four wheel hauler but traded it and then got it back but without the owners manual which had a big sheets of diagrams on parts and how to assenble it. Nov 21, 2009 Does anyone remember these neat little 3 and 4 wheeled truck things made by the Carl Heald Co. Of Benton Harbor. The Heald Hauler. Late 70S Heald Hauler W/ Dump Bed [Previous Pic] This was a kit vehicle manufatured by Carl Heald in Benton Harbor, Michigan. It came with a 16 or 11. Heald Hauler Parts List. Motorcycles Kits by Heald: New! 16 page non-color catalog. Tractors, Tillers, Mowers, Motorcycles catalog / brochure / literature. The Heald Hauler I am about to re-launch a 4 wheeled hauler I resurrected from a salvage yard. The shift fork had a pin that sheared off, there was a cracked bearing and the carb needed re-building.
I remember those,a kid I hung with had one of the 3 wheelers,that had a fiberglass seat just like the ones in our school auditorium had!we used to go riding together,I had a Go-Kart.his blew my Go-Kart away,he could go up hills almost straight up with his 10 HP torque converter drive,my centrifical clutch on my 2 hp Clinton didn't quite have the guts his did! We had some of these in the Civil Engineer Squadron at Wright-Patterson in the late 80s/early 90s. Eventually we inherited them at the field training area.I think they ended up making 2 good ones out of 3 bad ones. They put the big rear tires off one of them on the front of another, then they camoflaged it and made a canopy for the 'bed' out of camo netting. We evalutors used it during exercises; it was fun on the trails around the exercise site. Someone had even stenciled 'TU(L)V' on it.Tactical Utility (Lawn) Vehicle'.

Wish I had taken pictures. I am about to re-launch a 4 wheeled hauler I resurrected from a salvage yard. The shift fork had a pin that sheared off, there was a cracked bearing and the carb needed re-building.
Otherwise (except for some fresh gas, oil and lining the fuel tank) it is as good as new. Has a 11hp Briggs engine in it and it purrs like a kitten. This one was lengthened about 2' somewhere along the way and a aluminum bed put on the back. I added new dash wiring, a revolving light (so we can take it on the road between worksites) a cheap horn and some fresh paint. Looks like new. The great thing is that you can still find Carl Heald at:.
Heald Hauler Manual
He sold most of the parts to Quality Drive Systems I will post pictures soon.
Heald Hauler For Sale
Just started a Heald Super Tryke project. Will post pics as soon as my niece shows me how and returns my camera. Purchased it from craigslist ad posted by a cat near where they were originally built. He turned me on to Power Tec. It is owned by a former employee and good friend of Carl Heald.
He sells everything to keep your Super tryke or Super Bronc moving under it's own power and a few resto goodies. Ron Kimball is the owner's name and I found him by googling 'Kimball Hauler' which is a four wheeled model he builds/built similar to the Super tryke. He is old school. You call for your parts and he answers the phone, picks and ships your parts. Service is awesome and he sells the original tryke plans for $12. Hope this helps someone in need.
Late 70S Heald Hauler W/ Dump Bed - Parts for Old Tractors or call 800-853-2651 The Tractor Shed - Antique Tractor Implements Late 70S Heald Hauler W/ Dump Bed This was a kit vehicle manufatured by Carl Heald in Benton Harbor, Michigan. It came with a 16 or 11 HP twin Briggs with electric start. Dump bed with 500lb payload plus two passenegers. Rear disc brakes, headlights, windshield wiper and more. Submitted by Tom, from IN Same-Day Shipping! Most of our stocked parts ship the same day you order (M-F).
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Carl Heald Kits
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