Couesnon Flugelhorn Serial Numbers
I recently bought a Couesnon Monopole Conservatoires alto sax with serial number 11103. It came with a 'CERTIFICAT D'ESSAI ET DE GARANTIE', printed on Monopole Conservatoire certificate paper, with the serial number 11103 written in by hand, dated in Paris by hand November 15, 1960, and signed and stamped by M. Afro samurai game.
Trumpet and flugelhorn sales, new, used, and vintage horns. Authorized Couesnon dealer. Sep 29, 2008 Forget the serial number. Couesnon Flugelhorn: Hi, I wondered if anyone could give me any info on these markings. On the bell: COUESNON STAR. Forget the serial number. Couesnon Flugelhorn: Hi, I wondered if anyone could give me any info on these markings. On the bell: COUESNON STAR. Serial number 18900 - 1952. I have 2 Couesnon Monopoles. One is only a few numbers from yours. Couesnon Monopole.

On the same stamp as the name M. NOUAUX, is the following below the name: '1er Prix du Concours Internationel d'Execution Musicale a Geneve Soliste a la Garde Republicaine'. This has to be the best conclusive forensic evidence tying a serial number to a date of manufacture of this Couesnon sax. Well, it's been repaired once and needs more work. While he did say he could find us something, he wasn't pushing a new instrument. This is who the school district uses and we trust him.
He said the keys are 'soft'. Kids aren't that gentle and marching means being outside, laid on the ground, picked up and put down a lot, etc. I think it's also harder to work on and he's not familiar with it. We had another guy tell me it was junk, don't put any money into it, but this guy was able to repair it a few years ago when my oldest used it for jazz band. He said it was a good horn just not for how a student is going to treat it in marching band. I'd rather not replace it, but if I can get it into the hands of someone who knows and appreciates it and get her something better for her right now it seems like a good idea. Any idea how old it is?
If 11000 was in 1960, then my 14692 makes it mid 60s? If so, it's much older than I thought. Does your sax have the words 'monopole conservatoirs' on it? That was Couesnon's top sax.
Yes, it does. There are a few images in this post (from another thread, including detail of the engraving.
I should post some more. When my older daughter started playing it a few years ago, we had a little misunderstanding about the instrument.
We were told it was very badly out of tune, which is what led me here at that time, but it wasn't. Frankly, these Couesnons don't seem to be well understood at all. Our new asst. Band director is a sax player (the head is brass), so I'm hoping to get some better input from him this week. As far as I am aware there is no list for Couesnon Saxophone serial numbers. My Monopole 2 alto is 92XX, which I believe is around 1958. Does anyone else have any dates of theirs, if so post them here so we can compile it and forward it to saxpics.Leave the last 2 numbers as XXs to keep them anonymous.
Download buku tik kelas 1 sd erlangga. If anyone doesn't know where to find them, they are sometimes on the front of the sax under one of the right hand pads. Thanks:) I have silver Couesnon Monopole conservatoires alto sax with serial No 34xx. Arround 1950? As far as I am aware there is no list for Couesnon Saxophone serial numbers.
My Monopole 2 alto is 92XX, which I believe is around 1958. Does anyone else have any dates of theirs, if so post them here so we can compile it and forward it to saxpics.Leave the last 2 numbers as XXs to keep them anonymous. My understanding is that the serial number list was destroyed in the same factory fire that brought about the end of their saxophone production but I can't remember where I read this. These horns were obviously imported by someone and then sold by probably only a handful of dealers. Has anyone ever tried compiling a serial number list from these sources? It wouldn't have every horn they ever made or the exact date of manufacture, but would probably at least be enough to figure out what year it was imported or sold. Just acquired a Couesnon Monopole Conservatoire tenor sax s/no 149xx behind the pinkie table - I keep seeing 'II' mentioned here but can't find anything on the engraving (apart from two pigeons?) that would suggest that.
Certainly has 'Couesnon Monopole Conservatoire' in the bell engraving. 69174 (the case didn't come with the sax, I've had that R&C case here for a while waiting for a suitable resident:bluewink: ) Plays like a dream - having been used to the more 'spread' Martin sound, I can now appreciate a more focussed sound.