Galletto 1260 Drivers Windows 7
Help me please!!! I bought a Galletto from Ebay and I tried it out last night to save my OEM map to a laptop. I plugged it into the obd port and the red light came on. I then connect usb to laptop and the laptop configured the device. I then put the software on and followed the instructions.
I tied to do ECU detect but after 4 mins of egg timer, it threw up an error report and had to close down??? This seems like the laptop cannot cope as it is a rather old laptop from my College.

Anyone had this problem before?? Is it the laptop as if the laptop detects the usb cable and red light is on then I think the cable is ok? Any help would be gladly apprciated. Thanks in advance Ian. Yes the laptop is XP, Heard you purchased the martelluis exhaust, nice one! How is the ankle? Let us know what it sounds like mate.
'dilute' is not really the right word for it but. Say you have 56 colonies, now you can say: 56 cfu (colony forming units) -------- 0.1 mL or 560 cfu/mL This is usual when testing to see whether a sterilization technique worked, or if a product is within the regulated levels of bacteria to be released the public, etc etc. Advantages and disadvantages of the serial dilution agar plate technique. A proper streaking method (4 streaks total recommended but some hospital policy prefer 3) can separate and isolate the clinically significant bacteria (the one who makes the patient sick).
I am going to get the stage 1 egr off map from Fahad and load it myself via galletto if I can get the damn thing to work!!! I am going for the stage 1 to save the clutch - if it goes then I will get a 6 paddle clutch with DMF - Thinking though I may as well go for stage 2 but the FMIC will add more torque - so stage 1 will be equivalent to stage 2 with FMIC fitted. Cheers mate, Ian.
You probably need to install the latest FTDI drivers. [My galletto drivers wouldnt work properly] Ironically the chipset in my OBDLink USB cable uses the same chipset drivers as the Galletto. USB > Serial COM drivers. Ftdi scantool 1260 Thanks mate, you have saved me from smashing up my laptop LOL!!! I followed the first link, downloaded the update and hey presto with a bit of farting about it worked!!! Thank you Relic much appreciated as ever. Thank you to all who have posted trying to help all much appreciated as ever.
And then click “Browse the computer for driver software”, then “Select from a list of device drivers on the computer”, then “Have Disk” and “Browse”. Now look for the folder of “FGTech” on drive C.
Galletto 1260 Drivers
Galletto 1260 Driver Download
Thank you all!!!