Police Uniform Shoulder Patch Placement

By resolution, the flag patch, when placed on an American Legion uniform, may be placed at the shoulder of either sleeve as long as the blue field is forward. Additionally, no emblem, name or patch shall be worn above the flag patch on the same sleeve.
The decision as to the sleeve on which the patch is to be worn is left to the judgment of the individual, post or color guard involved. Sniper elite 3 highly compressed game. This proviso pertains only to the uniform of The American Legion. (NEC Resolution 38, May 1986) The provisions of the Flag Code do not specify how the flag patch is to be worn, any other organizations may apply the flag patch as they deem appropriate. This includes members of the military, fire, police, or patriotic organizations.
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Police Uniform Patch Placement
Emblem Enterprises, Inc. Was founded on great quality and amazing service. Since our first order in 1981, Emblem Enterprises has grown substantially. We take great pride in supplying the finest emblems available to the Military and Public Safety, as well as Fortune 500 corporations, clubs, youth groups, and other organizations. Uniform Patches & Emblems at discount prices. Ambulance Shoulder Patch. Uniform Rank Insignia - Los Angeles Police Department.