Saints Row 2 Lag Fix Patch

Last Updated on Monday, 29 December 2014 10:52 Written by DarkKnightH20 Tuesday, 15 November 2011 11:26 It’s finally out — Saints Row: The 3rd! You can even get it on Steam. It’s available on Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 PCs, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 (PS3) consoles. DLCs are already readily available for it (such as the Money Shot DLC). It’s got high marks on most game review websites and most people who have played it so far seemed to enjoy it!
It even has multiplayer action. If you have an ATI / AMD setup though, then you may encounter some issues with lag, though that is currently being investigated by the THQ / Volition, Inc team, as well as ATI / AMD, though some of our solutions in this guide may help you solve it for you! Otherwise you’ll need to wait for some patches. Saints Row: The Third – Cannot Adjust Brightness There is currently a bug in the game that prevents people from adjusting the brightness of the game. This will be fixed soon hopefully through a patch.
The game is brand new played it for 20 mins and noticed lag not major but. Anyways yeah its the game, they didn't patch it. Saints Row 2 is the.
Eventually you get a flashlight in the game, which will help, but until then you’ll have to make due. Sponsored: Bad Performance / Lag Are you lagging or have a low frame rate? The FPS seems to lower a whole lot more when you start driving too.
This seems to be most common with AMD ATI cards rather than NVIDIA cards. — Play the game in DX9 Mode instead of DirectX 10 or 11 — Lower the game resolution — Lower the graphics settings from high to low!
Specifically, try turning down Post Processing and Ambient occlusion! — Update your video card drivers! New graphic card drivers (such as Catalyst) provide for increased frame rates and bug fixes tailored to specific games and just general optimization. You can as well as additional programs. — Turn off VSYNC and AntiAliasing (AA)! Sometimes if you’re using SLI or CrossFire, it’s worth trying to play the game with one card instead of two. Saints Row: The Third Fails to Launch / Hangs / Freezes After Intro or Advertisement Does your game crash on load, freeze after launch, or right before the menu shows?
There are several remedies you can try then. — Set the compatibility mode to the game to “Windows XP” — Run the game directly instead of using the generated shortcut — Check your game cache / revalidate it to ensure you have okay files — Run the game in DirectX 9 mode — If you use multiple monitors, then disable one of them — Exit any program that could mess with the game — Run the game in a different, more common resolution. Rgalles Wednesday, 16 November 2011 at 11:24 PM Yes, PC, and I meet the specs.