Summon Night Swordcraft Story 3 English Patch Gba Download
Play Summon Night 3 (alpha english translation) GBA / Game Boy Advance game rom online through your browser. Play Summon Night – Swordcraft Story Online. Jul 27, 2011 Where can I download Summon Night Swordcraft Story 3 rom for GBA for free? Its in japanese.
The annotations are the subs, turn it on the video by clicking unless it´s already on. And apparently annotations doesn´t work on too little a update youtube aps if you use a cellphone or simple youtube aps that doesn´t let you turn on the annotations. The quality improves later, it´s only the first 2-3 parts that look like this. *Ahem* I wanted to upload the walkthrough again, but this time it´s going to be longer parts instead compared to the ones before and there´s not going to be any annoying sound lag anymore. The video is now subbed in english.
Oh, and I would appreciate people pointing out BIG translating mistakes in my subs if you find any. Recently I spruced up the translation a little, and I also made sure to add a link to the next video.
Summon Night Swordcraft Story 3 English Patch Gba Download
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